Corporate Email Signature Design

I'm looking for a Freelancer who can create a professional, corporate style email signature for me. Key elements to include: - My Name and Title - Contact Information - Social Media Links - Our Company Logo - Our Website The email signature should be in a plain text format... (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: Business Card Design, Corporate Identity, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Photoshop)

Mar 15, 2025 - 11:59
Corporate Email Signature Design
I'm looking for a Freelancer who can create a professional, corporate style email signature for me. Key elements to include: - My Name and Title - Contact Information - Social Media Links - Our Company Logo - Our Website The email signature should be in a plain text format... (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: Business Card Design, Corporate Identity, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Photoshop)