Product Management on Medium

The Ethical Challenges of AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have transformed industri...

How Social Media Algorithms Influence Public Opinion

Social media has become a dominant force in shaping public discourse, opinions, ...


#شماره خاله تهران# شماره خاله تهرانپارس# شماره خاله تهرانسر# شماره خاله انقلاب ش...

Navigating the “It Depends” Strategy in Product Management

Product management often operates in a landscape filled with ambiguity. Many dec...

Importance of System Thinking for Product Managers.

1. What is Systems Thinking? Systems thinking is understanding how interconnecte...

Variations of our simple program

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How to work with Kahhow

After multiple chaotic product launches, build-on-the-go startup-like experience...

Why Ignoring Early Customer Feedback Can Lead to Breakt...

Every product manager is told the same thing. Talk to users. Gather feedback. Bu...

The Psychology and Best Practices of the “Industry Chal...

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Design a gardening app

Clarifying questions:Continue reading on Medium »


Working on this beautiful project is a great milestone for me, of which I am gra...

**Unlock Financial Freedom with the Crypto Profit Kit –...

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10+ Years at Amazon: Essential Lessons in Product Manag...

Drawing on insights from over a decade in product management at Amazon, Neha Mon...

Product vs Engineering

How to manage an antagonistic relationshipContinue reading on Medium »

Products, experiences, capabilities

Understanding some of the different ways a PM can have impactContinue reading on...


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